Newmarket Road Development

Current Planning Application

Planning Consent was approved by the East Cambs District Council Planning Committee on the 1st November 2023 for the following:

22/00420/RMM Phase 1 Millstone Park Land Adjacent to Melton Farm Newmarket Road

Reserved matters comprising layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping for 138 dwellings, internal roads, parking, open space, landscaping, associated drainage and ancillary infrastructure for Phase 1 (housing) pursuant to outline planning permission 15/01175/OUM 

22/00479/RMM Phase 2A Millstone Park Land Adjacent to Melton Farm Newmarket Road 

Reserved matters comprising layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping for Phase 2a for 133 dwellings, internal roads, parking, open space, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage and ancillary infrastructure for Phase 1 (housing) pursuant to outline planning permission 15/01175/OUM (as varied by 15/01175/NMAA and 15/01175/NMAB)




Archaeological Survey


 Archaeological Dig June Report


Drone photo of site looking North West 



Pit Section 



 Items of Late Bronze Age Pottery