Safety Working Group

The Safety Working Group covers Traffic and Highway issues including the submission of Local Highway Initiative applications, the Moveable Vehicle Activated Speed signs and supporting the work of the local Speedwatch Group. The Group also works with other organisations to improve footpaths and cycleways in and around the village.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

23 Jan 24


Group Members

Chris O

Chris O'Neill

Vice Chair of Assets and Environment

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James Perry

James Perry

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Paul Webb

Paul Webb

Vice Chair of the Council, Chair of the Safety Working Group, Chair of the Finance and General Purposes Group

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Brenda Wilson

Brenda Wilson

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Liz Swift

Liz Swift

Chair of the Council

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Lea Dodds

Lea Dodds

Chair of the Assets and Environment Group

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Geraldine Tate

Geraldine Tate

Vice Chair of the Community, Leisure, Health, and Sports Group

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Ian Woodroofe

Ian Woodroofe

Vice Chair of the Safety Group

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