Dog Fouling

Published: 18 November 2020

The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, Public Space Protection Order Dog Fouling

East Cambridgeshire District Council in exercise of its powers under section 59 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and under all other enabling powers has made the following Order known as:

East Cambridgeshire District Council Public Space Protection Order Dog Fouling 2018

The Order applies to all public places in East Cambridgeshire District Council including roads, footpaths, pavements, allyways and towpaths, all grass verges, and parks and open spaces including wooded areas. For this purpose, a 'public place' means any land to which the public has access, on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of expressed or implied permission.

If you are aware of any particular hot spots in the village please report to